Make plans to join us for the 2024 Preacher’s Delight Conference!
This conference is four days filled with singing, fellowship, and preaching from many different preachers. It is our hope and desire that this meeting will challenge and refresh you.
A FREE hotel room will be provided for the first 100 preachers to register for the conference. Following each evening service, Monday through Thursday, a first-class meal is provided for all registered delegates. This great time of fellowship and encouragement will be a tremendous help to you.
Register now and experience the Preacher’s Delight Conference for yourself!
Pastor Greg Neal
Immanuel Baptist church
Registered delegates and scheduled speakers are likeminded in purpose and belief. From big cities to small towns, delegates from across the country will gather to hear preaching and to enjoy fellowshipping with God’s people.
The focus of each service is Jesus Christ. From the choir opener to the last chorus, the music is uplifting and Christ-honoring. You will find the Spirit-filled preaching to be uplifting. Come be challenged to do more for our coming Lord.